Zambia Diaspora Portal

Zambia Diaspora Policy

The launch of the National Diaspora Policy of the Republic of Zambia on 4th April, 2019, was a recognition the world’s ever accelerated transformation towards a more networked world with well-integrated markets, a strategic shift towards regional economic blocs and advancing technologies. All contributing to the increased movement of labour, professionals, students and families”, where diaspora communities maintain “strong sentimental and material links with families in their respective countries of origin”.

The aim of the National Diaspora Policy is to facilitate and mobilise an effective framework for active participation and contribution of the Zambian Diaspora, in a coordinated and coherent way, towards the socio-economic agenda of the country.

Therefore, the Zambian Governments main goal in engaging the Zambian Diaspora is for the achievement of the following:

  • Facilitate citizenship, dual citizenship and voting rights as important determinants for diaspora participation.
  • Promote direct investment of Diaspora by providing available information on viable areas of economic investment.
  • Facilitate collaboration between the diaspora and Zambian institutes to establish/strengthen partnership for experience, knowledge and skills transfer.
  • To maximize the benefits of Diasporas and engage more with them through the promotion and implementation of policies to boost flows of financial resources, information and technology.
  • Attract Diaspora philanthropic contributions.

Find more on the Zambia National Diaspora Policy.